Avatar 💻 Developer by day, 🎮 gamer by night | Software Engineer in @Taboola | ☕ sometimes coffee lover | A good player in call of duty | 📷 sometimes love photography

I love robots

Meet my virtual assistant Kumar linked with multiple APIs and follow the skills you give from the SUSI architectures.


Kumar helps for searching train availability and PNR status etc. It also gives you accuracy of clearing waiting list for seat selection.

Finding train seat availability

Train Availability

PNR status

PNR Status

Kumar is not limited to these it also plays songs for you, forcast weather reports, solve your math problems, finding latest news giving definition etc.

Kumar should have its own voice as well the ability to control my home with on-off fan, door, refrigrator, door bell, windows etc features where the commad should be processed with only given voice.

However, during weekend I was going through the research papers and found from here should have the ability with balance seeking versatility and robustness of end to end approaches to support more explicit way.

It should have the attention to capture the information with knowledge base and should be guided by control and memory with aspect of given questions.

Kumar is designed and capable of representing the arbitarily complex resoning tasks in a specific given skills. This models achieves state of an art accross a variety of reasoning tasks.

However, I am doing much more research where I could make this model as best and could perform a well operations to manupulate the task at hand.

I also wanted to implement a computational techniques to the analysis and synthesis in natural language speech with component of artificial intelligency in a good manner of NLP (Natural language processing is a concerned with interactions with humans and bot).

Stay tunes for much more..

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